Sunday, July 29, 2012

Dutch women's field hockey team - best of show

Yahoo! Sports dubs the Dutch women's field hockey team the best looking team in the Games.

I'm not sure this is responsible sports journalism, but I see no reason to argue with the assessment.

Dutch women's team wearing orange 'home' uniform at the London 2012 summer Olympic Games.

Those cute orange outfits remind me of Ulala from the Space Channel 5 game.

 Ulala in orange

The Dutch team had on their white 'away' uniforms for their 2008 win.

Dutch team winning Olympic gold in 2008.

 Ulala's got the white outfit covered too.

Then there are a few pictures of the team members out of uniform.  It's easy to admire team member Ellen Hoog's athletic figure. 

Ellen Hoog

Beauty is often thought to signify health, and who is more healthy than a gold-medal-winning athlete.  These lovely ladies are world champion athletes.

Ellen Hoog

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